Irminsul Ęttir

1997 Northwest Thing


Participants gathered from three western states in southern Washington on September 12, 1997 where they were greeted and shared the remote site with a wandering herd of goats and other assorted landvaettir.

Horns were blown to announce the opening of the Thing, and the Hammer banner raised by Aaron Redhawk after an invocation of Thor by Gydhia Susan Granquist followed by a blot to the the gods and in honor of the gathering.



Workshops included a demonstration of spear making and blacksmithing by Lyulf at the site owner's foundary. Raven presented a workshop on making and using incense with herbs and resins and a discussion on the attributes of the materials in magic and mundane use. A discussion group on runes followed, and a short session of galdoring the runes in preparation for the seidh session to be held Saturday night after the sumble.


Feasting was a community project with all ages helping out with kitchen chores.

[Photo] Offerings made in Ravenstead's ritual center beneath the overhanging oak tree. Sumble was held and minne drunk to ancestors, and to a skald, by bards Lyulf and Hoskuld. It was determined that anyone who served raw green mead would be outlawed, but that the mead brewed by Mike Mohilo and served at sumble and during the bardic singing and story-telling was worthy of the hailings it received. Thing was called reluctantly to end with a determination by all present to start planning the next one, as well as other meetings during the coming year.

Irminsul Ęttir